Hello All:
I'm getting to be a broken record, but in the pursuit to provide you my loyal readership, I believe I have a responsibility to provide any and all information from multiple resources to prove that my take and advice on real estate investing is correct. As you can see by this article, it's time to do some short sales.....
James Gage
By Julie Haviv
RealtyTrac said there was a national foreclosure rate of one foreclosure filing for every 656
The May foreclosures -- a sum of default notices, auction sale notices and bank repossessions -- totaled 176,137, up 19 percent from April, the firm said in its May 2007 U.S. Foreclosure Market Report.
The number of filings in May was the largest amount since RealtyTrac started tracking foreclosure activity in January 2005.
"After a barely perceptible dip in April, foreclosure activity roared back with a vengeance in May," James Saccacio, chief executive officer of RealtyTrac, said in a statement.
"Such strong activity in the midst of the typical spring buying season could foreshadow even higher foreclosure levels later in the year," said Saccacio. "Certainly not every community nationwide is seeing an increase in foreclosures, but foreclosed properties are becoming more commonplace and adding to the downward pressure on home prices in many areas."
RealtyTrac said there was a national foreclosure rate of one foreclosure filing for every 656
The default rates in the subprime segment of the
More than two dozen lenders in the subprime mortgage sector have collapsed as rising defaults drove them out of business during a downturn in the housing market.
Market observers are keeping a watchful eye on the subprime crisis because it has triggered broader concerns that the fallout may spread to mainstream lenders and damage the economy.
Nevada, once one of the hottest real estate markets and a favorite among investors, led the nation in May with one foreclosure filing for every 166 households, which was the nation's highest for the fifth month in a row and nearly four times the national average.
The state's foreclosure total was the eighth highest among the states.
California, the largest state, reported foreclosure activity increasing by 30 percent from the previous month and more than 350 percent from May 2006, which boosted the state's foreclosure rate to the third highest in the country.
The cities with the nation's top three metropolitan foreclosure rates were all located in
A 49 percent increase in foreclosure activity ensured that Stockton, Cali., would register the nation's highest metropolitan foreclosure rate at one filing for every 88 households, which was nearly 7.5 times the national a average.