By James A. Gage,
OK, OK if rah rah seminars, boot camps and positive thinking don’t work, what does? What's the SOLUTION?
Why doesn't conventional Negotiating training work ? Why is it that most people who attend Negotiating training courses and seminars show very little sustained improvement? Why doesn't modern Negotiating training consistently produce successful individuals? Why do most people do their best to avoid investors?
Is this all endemic to negotiating or is there something fundamentally wrong with the way we negotiate that causes these problems? Could it be that Negotiating as the Art of Persuasion is a concept whose time has come and gone?
The answer is YES!
There are methods that literally allows the user to leap ahead and learn quickly and become profitable, thereby eliminating all the usual wrong turns and costly mistakes that others make. You must learn to Negotiate from someone who has used it not only as an investor (with success), but someone who has implemented it professionally as a source of primary income. Negotiating can never be taught from seminars or books, but rather it needs to be accomplished not with generic scripts and theories, but with real world experiences and role playing.
Negotiating is truly the “Million Dollar Skill".